What is you job?
[i=s] 本帖最后由 yo1 于 2012-5-7 10:43 编辑 [/i][size=5][color=blue][b]工作是打发人生的唯一积极的方式;工作为的是温保;为的是精神的寄托与追求;为的是尽快不工作; 也许你刚刚走出校门,正在寻找工作,同时也寻找一份丰厚的薪水和一个光明的未来。 也许你已经在职场上混了一些年头,工作对你已不再新鲜。每天早出晚归,没完没了的任务堆在你的办公桌上--工作的压力几乎让你喘不过气来。"亲爱的童学们,你们的工作是什么。谈一下你们工作心得。。还有还没工作的你们。理想的工作是什么。对未来的工作有怎么样的想法.[/b][/color][/size]
[b][size=5][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/b][attach]13591[/attach] [attach]13592[/attach] [attach]13593[/attach]
[size=5][color=#0000ff][/color][/size] :qq82]I can't see the picture I can't see the picture 点击右键,显示图片,就出来了,只有一个图片看不到,其他都可以。 why don't you never express in english ,it's a problem .... Use the right botton to click "显示图片", then you can see the picture. I'm a student now ,maybe it's the easiest job hehehe I am a lab technician
:) i'm a student now. And i will go to job the next year, i think english is very useful to find a good job, so i will practice my english from now on. I am a HR clerk in 2012 before ,but now I am only a clerk