英语小故事听写-5.23:He Thinks About Bad Things
[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/up/gushi/26.mp3[/audio]**** Hidden Message ***** His mind controls his faults .
His mind thinks about negative things .
His mind thinks about pest insoul.
His mind thinks about his bad things .
His mind thinks about rude people.
His mind thinks about all the bad things in his life.
His mind never thinks about the good people and the good things in his life. His mind controls his faults.
His mind thinks about negative things.
His mind thinks about ......
His mind thinks about his bad decisions.
His mind thinks about rude people.
His mind thinks about all the bad things in his life.
His mind never thinks about the good people and the good things in his life. past insults:qq82] 怎么不能听 his mind controls his thoughts
his mind thinks about negative things
his mind thinks about past in thoughts
his mind thinks about his bad decisions
his mind thinks about rude people
his mind thinks about all the bad things ing his life
his mind never thinks about all the good people and the good things in his life [b]回复 [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=727683&ptid=403069]5#[/url] [i]thdh123456[/i] [/b]
没安装播放器么? he is mind controls his faults
he is mind thinks about negative things
he is mind thinks about past i
he is mind thinks about his bad decissions
he is mind thinks about rude people
he is mind thinks about all the bad things in his life
he is mind never thinks about the good people and the good things in his life
第三句不会。。后两个单词有点困难 his mind control his atrs
his minds thinks about negtive things.
his minds thinks about xx in thoughts.
his minds thinks about his bad decisions.
his minds thinks about rude people.
his minds thinks about all the bad things in his life.
his minds never thinks about the good people and the good things in his life. :qq66]