2012.5.24 每日当三省吾身,每日三译之三:That sometimes
[font=Times New Roman][size=5]That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.**** Hidden Message *****[/size][/font] 有时一个人所有的需要就是一双能控制的手和一个能理解的心。 有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗理解的心。 人就是需要理解! That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
有时一个人需要的全部就只是一只可握住的手和一颗理解的心 That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand
有时所有的人都需要一只被抓的手和一颗被了解的心 that sometimes all a person needs a hand to hold and a heart to understand