英语听力论坛's Archiver

tingroom 发表于 2012-6-2 16:02

英语小故事听写-6.2:One Banana Is Just Right

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kobe 发表于 2012-6-2 18:26

:qq88]He sees three bananas

Besty 发表于 2012-6-3 17:37

He sees three bananas . One banana is yellow and green . Another banana is yellow and brown. Another banana is all yellow. He picks up the yellow banana. He peels it . It peels easily. A right banana peels easily. The banana is all right. It has no brown spot and over right banana has brown spots. He eats the whole banana.

竹间明月 发表于 2012-6-4 09:11

He sees three bananas .
One banana is yellow and green .
Another banana is yellow and brown.
Another banana is all yellow.
He picks up the yellow banana. He peels it . It peels easily.
A  xx banana peels easily.
The banana is all right.
It has no brown spot and over right banana has brown spots.
He eats the whole banana.

jkm204 发表于 2012-6-5 07:59

he sees three bananas
one banana is yellow and green
another banana is yellow and   brown
another banana is all yellow
he picks up the yellow banana
he peels it
he peels easily
all right banana peels easily

the banana is all right
it has no brown spots
and over right banana   has brown  spots
he eats the whole banana

唐僧1990 发表于 2013-6-16 21:43


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