英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2012-6-5 10:15



The study found that people in Turkmenistan and Cambodia were more likely to be in the first group. They would hide their feelings of insecurity if they were around other people's laughter. 研究发现土库曼斯坦人和柬埔寨人更可能属于第一类人。如果周围的人在笑,他们会隐藏他们的不安感。

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pxlcqy 发表于 2012-6-6 11:38

but the people in russia,egyt, #were more likely to try toavoid such a situation if they felt laugher before.

漂亮苹果 发表于 2012-6-6 20:14


lisunli 发表于 2012-6-8 19:07


3D小王 发表于 2012-6-12 08:02


jy1991 发表于 2012-6-25 23:20

Today we explain a very old saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That saying is a rolling stone gathers no moss. It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.今天我们来解释一个对摇滚音乐有着深远影响的古老谚语,它就是a rolling stone gathers no moss(滚石不生苔)。它有数种含义。其中一种含义是,不安定下来的人是不会成功的。另一种含义是说某些人四处漂泊,居无定所,逃避责任。

This proverb was said to be first used in the fifteen hundreds. But in the nineteen sixties, the expression rolling stone became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music. It became the name of a rock group, a song and a magazine.据说这个谚语第一次被用到是在16世纪。但是在20世纪60年代,rolling stone这个短语在摇滚音乐界变得知名起来,它成为了一支摇滚乐队,一首歌和一本杂志的名字。

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