Rain and storms today
good morning! at smithville, ms, the current temperature is 72 and it feels like 72. severe thunderstorm warning is in effect for monroe county, ms until 6:15am. highs will continue to range between 85 and 92 with lows between 61 and 69. there is a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms today. an intense line of storms is pushing through north ms right now. storm is moving southeast at 60mph and producing winds of 70mph. it is beginning to rain here now at smithville. heavy rain, isolated flash flooding, large hail, damaging winds are all possible this morning and throughout the day. at the regional rehab center in tupelo, ms, the current temperature is 72 and it feels like 72. todays high is 88 and a low of 68 with a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms. tuesdays high is 87.now, for your quick tropical update. everything is quiet in both the atlantic and eastern pacific.
hope yall are having a great monday and i'll have another post tomorrow morning. continue to pray for the tornado victims and those affected by damaging weather events.
good morning! at smithville, ms, the current temperature is 72 and it feels like 72. severe thunderstorm warning is in effect for monroe county, ms until 6:15am. highs will continue to range between 85 and 92 with lows between 61 and 69. there is a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms today. an intense line of storms is pushing through north ms right now. storm is moving southeast at 60mph and producing winds of 70mph. it is beginning to rain here now at smithville. heavy rain, isolated flash flooding, large hail, damaging winds are all possible this morning and throughout the day. at the regional rehab center in tupelo, ms, the current temperature is 72 and it feels like 72. todays high is 88 and a low of 68 with a 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms. tuesdays high is 87.
now, for your quick tropical update. everything is quiet in both the atlantic and eastern pacific.
hope yall are having a great monday and i'll have another post tomorrow morning. continue to pray for the tornado victims and those affected by damaging weather events. 好难,我一点没有看懂 给个好点翻译吧,我没有看到 好难受 perfect article ,copied from ? 学学再说,谢谢无私奉献!!!谢谢楼主!!! 不敢相信哦