英语听力论坛's Archiver

AllenHL 发表于 2012-6-25 11:26



黄岩岛 Huangyan Island

固有领土 inherent territory

侵犯中国主权 infringe on China's sovereignty

中国南海  South China Sea

撤离 withdraw

炮艇 gun boat

军舰 warship

联合军事演习 joint military exercises

公务船 public service vessel

考古船 archaeological research ship

海监船 marine surveillance ship

例行巡逻 routine patrol

渔政船 Fishery Administration ship

执法船 law enforcement vessel

没有任何争议的中国领土 undisputable territory

例行新闻发布会  routine press briefing

渔船  fishing boat

巡逻舰 patrol ship

泻湖 lagoon

领海 territorial waters

召见 summon

菲律宾驻华使馆临时代办 the charge d'affaires of the Philippine Embassy

帕纳塔格礁  Panatag Shoal

改名 rename

扩大紧张形势 escalate tensions

挑衅 provocation

国际仲裁  international arbitration

国际法庭 international tribunal

采取极为克制的态度 exercise the utmost restraint

寻求外交途径解决 pursue diplomatic means

双边关系  bilateral relations

反华游行 anti-Chinese parade

tingroom 发表于 2012-6-25 16:58


kobe 发表于 2012-6-26 10:36

enen,感谢了 以后看外国新闻,这些也能看的懂了

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