[color=#4169e1]上海人素有穿睡衣上街的习惯,弄堂里,菜场上,超市里,马路上,甚至在著名商业街南京路上,穿睡衣的人屡见不鲜。如今在世博的驱动下,市政府对居民提出“穿睡衣睡裤不能出门”的要求,且劝导工作的力度逐渐加大。It seems usual for Shanghai residents to show up with pajamas in pulic places from lanes, stores, super markets to Nanjing Rd, the most famous shopping street. But now with the approaching of EXPO, local authorities began to manifest the persuasion to people from showing up in pulic places with pajamas.
Some people consider that going out with pajamas, though is a habit for Shanghai residents, does not correspond with international etiquette. Now, the EXPO is decided to be held in Shanghai, and therefore, the image of its citizens will be recognized as a part of Chinese clutures for other nations. So, showing up in public places with pajama is apparently an improper habit. [/color][/size][/font]
On the contrary, some people think that going out with pajamas never relates to denounces in quality or civilization. Instead of an improper habit, it is just a living custom, and the local authorities have no rights to intervene. [/color][/size][/font] 上海人不仅气势上咄咄逼人,而且骨子里有种舍我其谁的野蛮气 世博会呀