英语小故事听写-7.11:She Is a Hard Worker
[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/up/gushi/72.mp3[/audio]**** Hidden Message ***** 不献丑了,我还是有两个单词没听出来:'( crawl 爬 alarm闹钟
原来是这样,词忘得太多了,一时想不起来 没关系啦,都是在学习,哪有献丑这一说哦。 me too. [i=s] 本帖最后由 cjp00000 于 2012-7-13 11:54 编辑 [/i]
She is a hard worker,
she works all day,
she brings her work home,
she works into the night,
she sits at her computer untill middle night,
she turns off her computer,
she crawls into bed,
she sets her alarm for 6 o'clock,
she goes right to sleep,
she drems about her job.
:victory: 我按播放怎么始终都播放不了啊。。。 :qq66] 雖然英文極度的差想先從聽力下手...
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