[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20120716.mp3[/audio]__________________________.A statement from the office of French President Francois Hollande had said three of the wounded are in serious condition. The French president dispatched the French defense minister to Afghanistan following the attack. Afghan officials say the incident happened in Kapisa province where the majority of soldiers are French. The Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack saying the victims were both French and Afghan forces suffering casualties. The Kapisa bombing was the second deadly attack on NATO troops Saturday. Earlier, NATO reported one of its service members was killed in the bomb blast.来自法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德办公室的一份声明称,在五名受伤的士兵中,有三人伤势严重。袭击事件过后,法国总统派法国防部长前往阿富汗。阿富汗官员称,事件发生在卡比萨省,那里大部分士兵来自法国。塔利班组织声称对这起事件负责,并称该事件中,法国和阿富汗的军队中均有人员伤亡。周六发生在卡比萨省的爆炸事件,是第二次针对北约部队的致命袭击。早些时候,北约报告称,一名军队服役人员在爆炸中死亡。
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France has confirmed that a suicide attack Saturday in eastern Afghanistan has killed 4 NATO service members and wounded 5. france has committed that a sucide attack saturady in eastern afghanistan killed 4 nato service members and wounded 5