[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20120804.mp3[/audio]Blasts have rocked three churches in northern Nigeria, killing two people in attacks similar to ones carried out by the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram. Authorities say the blasts happened Sunday in Kaduna State, which divides Nigeria\'s mostly Muslim north from the predominantly-Christian south. Two blasts hit churches in the city of Zaria, with a third explosion at a church in Kaduna City. A witness told VOA hundreds of people rioted after the attack in Kaduna City, but police have now shut down that unrest.尼日利亚北部三座教堂遭遇炸弹袭击,造成两人遇难。这次袭击与伊斯兰激进教派博科圣地的袭击行为较为类似。官方当局表示爆炸发生在卡杜纳州。卡杜纳州是尼日利亚宗教信仰分水岭,穆斯林主要聚集在北部地区,基督徒则控制南部地区。其中的两起爆炸攻击了扎利亚市的教堂。第三起爆炸则针对卡杜纳市的教堂。一位目击者告诉VOA记者,爆炸后有数百人在卡杜纳市内掀起了骚乱,但是已被警方平息。__________________________________.
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Witnesses say there were ??? in both cities but it's not immediately clear how many.