英语听力论坛's Archiver

ivytony 发表于 2012-8-6 17:11

英语情景口语:光明正大 Fair and square

Fair这个字有很多解释。其中一个主要的意思是:公正或诚实。这也正是我们要讲的第一个[url=http://bbs.oralpractice.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=23]习惯用语[/url]的意思。Fair and square. Square可以用做名词,也可以用做形容词。用做名词的时候,它的一般解释就是:四方块。用做形容词的时候可以解释为:正直的,或者是光明正大的。



例句1: Jack won the race last week with flying colors. But other athletes suspected he had taken drugs before the race. I know Jack well - he's a person with high moral standards. I'm sure he won the race fair and square without any cheating.

我们再来举一个例子说明fair and square的用法。这是一个很有钱的商人在说话。

例句2: I admit I've piled up a certain amount of money during the past ten years. But I made every penny fair and square. I've never cheated others and at the same time I don't let anybody else cheat me.


kobe 发表于 2012-8-6 21:49

Fair and square:qq49]

簿子酒 发表于 2012-8-9 08:57

{:7_251:}pile up

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