1)She is in labor. 她怀孕。2)she is going to have a baby/be a mother. 她要当妈妈了。
3)She is expecting.她在待产中。
4)She is in a delicate condition.她正怀孕中。~ 但未婚的女性在不希望的情形下怀孕时,就说:she's knocked up!她意外怀孕了。
5)She is about to have a blessed. event.她不久会有喜事。
6)she is anticipating. 最为常见的是in the family way或者be in an interesting condition.
7)'She has a bun in the oven."
[url=http://bbs.oralpractice.com/]http://bbs.oralpractice.com/[/url] pregnant {:7_251:}she is in labor knock up {:7_268:}she is about to have a blessed event in a family way =be in an interesting condition...