[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20120808.mp3[/audio]__________________________.A NATO spokesman says Turkey requested the consultation.From Istanbul, Dorian Jones reports.北约发言人称土耳其提出了此次磋商的请求。多瑞安·琼斯伊斯坦布尔报道。 Turkish Foreign Minsiter Ahmet Davutoglu said he will be meeting with NATO envoys on Tuesday under article 4 of the alliance’s founding treaty, which commits all members to protect one another security and borders. "The warplane was shot down over international waters several minutes after it had left Syrian airspace,"he said. Damascus has accused Ankara of providing weapons and intelligence on its forces to Syrian rebels. But Davutoglu denied the plane was involved in any covert action. Turkey's government has promised its response will be strong and legitimate once the facts are known. The severity of that response could depend on the level of international support, along with the fate of the two pilots who remain missing. Dorian Jones for VOA News, Istanbul, Turkey.土耳其外交部长阿迈特·达乌特奥卢表示,据北约创始条约第四款的规定,周二他将会见北约特使,该条约规定所有成员有义务保护彼此的安全和边界。他说:“在飞离叙利亚领空几分钟之后,这架战机在国际水域上空被击落。”此前大马士革指控安卡拉为叙利亚反政府武装提供武器和军队情报。但达乌特奥卢否认该战机曾参与任何秘密行动。土耳其政府承诺一旦事实真相调查清楚,将做出正当强硬的回应。回应的严厉程度将取决于国际支持的程度,以及两名失踪飞行员的下落。VOA记者多瑞安·琼斯土耳其伊斯坦布尔报道。
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NATO says its envoys will meet with Turkish a???s Tuesday to discuss serious downing off a Turkish ???spider??? jet in international territories. 大家什么看法?我先支持 Nato says its envoys will meet Turkish officials Tuesday to discuss serial downing at the tTurkish fighter jetting international territories