[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20120812.mp3[/audio]Programs that teach young people how to avoid abusive relationships are generally for high school or college age. But new programs are being created for younger students because they too experience abusive dating relationships. Earlier this year the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a study done in the United States. 教导年轻人如何避免虐待关系的项目一般都是为高中或大学年龄的人准备的。但为年龄更小的学生准备的新项目正在创建中,因为他们也会经历虐待关系。今年早些时候,罗伯特?伍德?约翰逊基金会发布了一项在美国进行的调查。
**** Hidden Message ***** 15 percent of 7 creators in the study says that they have been in the victim of physical violence in a relationship with the upset sex ,7 creators are about 12 years old :handshake 15 percent of 7 creators in the study said they have been in the victim of physical violence in the relationship with the opposite sex ,7 creators are about 12 years old