:qq66] what is your opinion on "The Slave of Rising Children" ?write down your opinion to gain the score.近日,一篇名为《80后准妈妈怕生子后成“孩奴”患上忧郁症》的帖子引发热议,也使得“孩奴”继“卡奴”、“车奴”、“房奴”之后成为80后的又一重身份,引发了众多80后夫妇的忧虑。有人绘声绘色地描述了从生下孩子那一刻起所承担的巨额开销:每月将至少花费4000元,养大一个孩子将花费48万至100万。当上了孩奴的人,不敢生病,不敢高消费,不敢轻易换工作。不少80后们因为生养孩子而集体患了“抑郁症”,生活压力大,养育费用水涨船高是首要因素。孩奴,到底当还是不当?
Recently, a post named "The Slave of Rising Children"--A 80s’ Mother-to-Be Suffering from Melancholia has caused great dispute online and created a new identity, succeeding Car Slave, Card Slave and Mortgage Slave, for the people born in the 1980s. Some people list the high expenses needed to be undertaken at the moment when the baby is born, which includes an expense of 4,000 yuan each month that amounting to almost 480,000 yuan to 1 million yuan for cultivating a child. When the people born in the 1980s have children, they become anxious and try every measure to avoid from illness, luxurious consumption and changing jobs. Because of the great living pressure and high expenses of raising their children, lots of 80s’ mother/father-to-be are suffering from melancholia. The slave of your child, do you really want to be? の……我好喜欢小孩子的说……