[align=left]1. 找一部英语片(电影),一定要你百看不厌的,多看几遍.2. 将这部片子,转成录音带或mp3,把过场音效删除.
3. 每天听这部片子5小时以上.
4. 听到魔音穿脑,你可以即听即查字典,你可以用英语思考.
5. 这样听着,你可以复颂对白,或是流利的跟接对白.
6. 同样的作法,要听两部片以上,你的听说能力,就已经跟得上母语为英语系的人.
[color=#0000ff]7. 找一本读者文摘英文版,从第一页起勤查单字.[/color]
[color=#0000ff]8. 查单字,不能注记任何中文翻译,只能在单字下画红线或注记音标.[/color]
[color=#0000ff]9. 不管是否同一页,单字字义忘了就再查.[/color]
[color=#0000ff]10. 查过两本以上的读者文摘,你的英文阅读能力就跟上高中程度.[/color]
[color=#000000]11. 随便找其中一篇短文,将其翻成中文.[/color]
[color=#000000]12. 再将翻好的中文,放一个星期,再试着翻成英文.[/color]
[color=#000000]13. 翻个十篇以上,你的英文写作能力也有高中程度了.[/color]
[color=#0000ff]抄别人的,非原创。[/color] 高手 光看看我都觉得要崩溃了 Thanks for your advice! That's very points.I will try in this way to improve my writing. 这确实是个好方法,不过得有很强大的耐力才行呀。 i'd like have a try .it sounds good good idea. I can try. :qq49]that is good idea! 没有效果 My college English teacher said the same thing too.
And a french man I knew he learns Chinese the same way, now he's very literate in Chinese.
I'm going to try this way. 魔鬼训练法:qq69] :)老师您真历害呀! I am in favor of 变成听力高手行,说不说得出口还得练啊:loveliness: good idea! 谢谢分享,学习了 试下先~~ i'll try :victory: Thank you for your good advices! I must be spent a lot of effort to accomplish each proposal.
I hope I can keep learning English everyday. I do believe it needs patience to study in this way.
Patience is the most important thing. it sounds good,but hard to work My english is terrible,I want to improve my skill of english by practising in Tingroom.com My god,it is difficult to study english,but I will have a try I want to try . Why not have a try? 楼主 so good My god..... i will try it! Good idea!But I lack of resistance. i don't konw if i can insist on 魔鬼训练啊 It's looks very hard,but it's really a good I idea```` wow..it seems terrible... 需要时间以及毅力 需要坚持
希望我能做到吧~ 其实脑子一直都是比计算机灵的
计算机还是模仿咱的呢 只是要怎么开发有待研究
欢迎勇敢并有毅力者尝试 开始做时可能比较难,如果坚持就一定会有效果。经验分享了,谢谢 thank you very much! if everyone study English as it,everyone can be a superman