[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20120818.mp3[/audio]The United States is suffering its worst drought in almost sixty years. Moderate to extreme dry conditions spread to fifty-five percent of the country in June. That was the most since December of nineteen fifty-six.美国正经受近60年来最严重旱灾。六月份,全国中度到极端干旱的情况遍及55%的地区,是1956年12月以来最严重的一次。
**** Hidden Message ***** 沙发一个 the national climatic data centre also says high temperatures in june added to the warmest 12 month period on record . record tipping began in 1895 the national climatic data centre also says high temperatures in june added to the warmest 12 month period on record . record keeping began in 1895 :handshake