我是新来的,原来英语基础超级差现在想自学重新学习英语,请大家帮帮忙,有什么好的学习方法和教材推荐一下,谢谢大家! try your best to speak english.and you will find your progress in english.[b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=115249&ptid=47539]1#[/url] [i]wudan[/i] [/b] 新概念英语,大家说英语,空中英语教室都不错,你是怎样的基础呢?字母都不会吗?
学英语要坚持,很可能会有三天打鱼两天晒网的情况,坚持!!! [i=s] 本帖最后由 英~@^_^@~ 于 2010-2-27 10:02 PM 编辑 [/i]
我都试过:pig22) I hope to get your help! 本帖最后由 英~@^_^@~ 于 2010-2-27 10:02 PM 编辑
我都试过 i hope we will be happy every day hehhe 报道 你多大岁数呢?你想达到的目标是什么呢?你得根据自己的情况选择教材啊。我建议制定长期目标和短期目标,每天坚持,一步步实现,一定会有提高的。 I will recommand you New Concept English...try to recite all those stories, one story per day, and you'll find it's not difficult to communicate with others in English one month later. 报到 大家一起学习! 我也是新人,基础很差的,也想重新学起,希望多多指点。 也跟着报个道
请大家指教,哪种教材适合我这样的人学习,谢谢。 我是新手,请大家多多关照!!!! 能不能谈一谈你们的学习方法?:qq65] English to learn, very simple, but I often make some grammatical errors, how do? [color=Plum][/color]Can you help me? :) [b] [url=http://bbs.tingroom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=120761&ptid=47539]10#[/url] [i]lilia[/i] [/b] 持之以恒 我也是新手。希望大家多多指导 keep on :) 来报道了 学英语跟岁数无关,never too old to learn. [b]I am freshman .
My english is poor,but i have to improve it in a short time,
because i will start to a new work that required speaking in english dailylife,
so, if i have some mistake ,welcome everyone criticize.
I don't know how to publish a topic?
Above of them , it's right? 一路小跑过来报道
RE: 新人报道请大家帮帮忙
真的吗?我很想学好英语,但总是没有常久性.呵,,,,:) 新来的。:) 也是新人,报到 try you best!come on! 新来的,大家就多多指教吧,希望跟大家多多交流 坚持学,没有学不下来的. 多听,多说, 不要不好意思在别人面前说. I am software engineer, and it's about four years since I graduate from high school! I wants to speak good English. English is a language, study it need practice. I need a enviroment topractice what we have studied. Hello,everyone,i'm a new here. I also want to improve my oral english.Let's learn it together. 我也要学习啊,大家以后要多交流啊 来了 我也是刚来,近几年没学英语了,我要拾起来,呵呵 请指教 加油,我们一起努力~~!!!