翻译提高:The slow clan
[b] The slow clan:[/b] clan 家族,slow 顾名思义就是慢。那么the slow clan 慢活族到底是什么意思呢?These people like to slow down life’s pace. They enjoy eating food and reading news slowly and also they would rather choose a book slowly in a book store than buy it from Amazon. Psychologists call such behavior "finding your inner tortoise."
近年来,从英国刮起了“慢活”风。慢活运动劝导人们放慢生活节奏,让精神和身心都得到放松,“慢活族”提倡慢工作,慢运动,慢阅读。近几年,全球有八十几万会员加入到名为"Slow Movement"(缓慢生活)的运动中。
慢活并不是蜗牛化,而是追求平衡,该快则快,能慢则慢。放慢速度,关注心灵成长,动手劳动,注意环保。在快餐文化的世界里,到图书馆慢慢看书,体会思考的乐趣 :) maybe right This is a very good way of life。 people who are close always say I am slower than others
Could it be that I am the slow clan? I know the first slow city was started by the mayor of the small Italian town of Greve in Chinanti. The aim of slow cities is to make our town places where people enjoy lving and working .They value and protect the things that make the town different .Towns which want to become a slow city have to reduce traffic and noise ,increase the number of green areas ,plant trees ,build pedestrian zones ,and promoted local businesses and traditions. And the slow food as well. solw food has become a global organization and has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries .slow food also encourges people to eat local and regional food ,to use local shops and markets ,to eat out in small family resaurants ,and to cook with traditional recipes.