[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20120910.mp3[/audio]U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney meets with British Prime Minister David Cameron in London Thursday as he begins a three-nation international tour. The presumptive Republican Party nominee arrived in the British capital Wednesday for talks with Mr. Cameron, the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and former Prime Minister Tony Blair.美国总统候选人米特罗姆尼于周四在伦敦会见了英国首相戴维卡梅伦,并由此开始了他的三国国际之旅。这位美国共和党总统提名候选人于周三到达英国首都,将与首相卡梅伦先生、副首相尼克克莱格以及前首相托尼布莱尔进行了会谈。 Law enforcement officials say the suspect in Friday’s mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater sent a package to a university psychiatrist containing a notebook describing an attack.执法人员表示周五发生在科罗拉多电影院的枪击案嫌犯在犯案前曾给一所大学的精神病学家寄去了一个包裹,内有一本描述袭击行为的笔记本。_______________________.It was sent before the shootings. However, the exact date is unknown.这个包裹在枪击案发生前被寄出。然而,具体的寄出日期尚不清楚。
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