One Evening -- Feist
[i=s] 本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:04 编辑 [/i][flash][/flash] [i=s] 本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:04 编辑 [/i]
One evening
The evening was long
My guesses were true
You saw me see you
That something you said
The timing was right
The pleasure was mine
The time and the place
The look on your face
Sincerest eyes
If you're ready or not
The state of our hearts
There's no time to take
When we started
Both brokenhearted
Not believing
It could begin and end in one evening
We were caught by the light
Held on the day
'Till it became hours
The minutes went by
The cab is outside
There's no time to take
When we parted
Moving on
And believing
It could begin and end in one evening
When we started both brokenhearted
Not believing
It could begin and end in one evening
When we parted
Moving on
And believing
It could begin and end in one evening
ba~~ Feist本名Leslie Feist,她于1976年出生在加拿大的一个宁静小城卡尔加利,自幼喜欢音乐,后来她便用自己的姓氏Feist给自己取了这样一个艺名。起初先是在高中,她和几个同样喜欢摇滚乐的朋友组建了一支朋克乐队 - Placebo,有意思的是这和现在英国十分走红的那支朋克乐队有着相同的名字。后来Feist率领她的乐队在当地一系列的摇滚比赛中取得了优胜,小有名气的他们后来成为了The Ramones在加拿大演出的开场乐队。也就是在这个时候,Feist选择了音乐作为毕生的事业,她开始艰苦而毫无希望可言的生活,在之后的五年中,Feist开始在加拿大的各个地方演出,也正是这个时候,她结交了很多著名的音乐人士。可是正当Feist准备有更进一步的发展之时,她的嗓子却音乐莫名的疾病不能发声了,面对这个打击Feist几乎放弃了她的音乐人生涯。后来她四处寻医,终于在多伦多找到了一位医生并治好了她的病,于是她决定离开家乡卡尔加利并搬来多伦多开始全新的生活。在多伦多Feist租来的小小的寝室中,她开始利用一台破旧的四轨机为自己录音,而此时她所演绎的音乐已经有了很多的改变。一把吉他,还有简单的歌声,这就是来自Feist的新尝试,做一个民谣歌手。
后来Feist加入了当地的By Divine Right乐队并且开始逐渐被更多的人知道,她和乐队为加拿大老牌摇滚乐队The Tragically Hip做北美巡演嘉宾。在1999年她录制了第一张属于自己的专辑——《Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head)》,清新的民谣歌曲,仿佛重获新生。2000年,她帮助Peaches制作了专辑《Teaches of Peaches》;两年之后她又加入了By Divine Right的后身乐团——后摇滚风格的Broken Social Scene,并且凭借专辑《You Forgot It in People》一鸣惊人。2004年的《Let It Die》是Feist精心打造的一张清新民谣风格的专辑,其中包括了她翻唱本国民谣歌手Sexsmith以及Bee Gees的歌曲。《Let It Die》专辑中的Mushaboom被Lacoste的香水广告选用。 [attach]14962[/attach] 我挺喜欢下面那张图片的 很好听哦! [b]回复 [url=]5#[/url] [i]kobe[/i] [/b]
it's Feist [b]回复 [url=]6#[/url] [i]心魔作祟[/i] [/b]
:qq50] 感觉很舒服 [b]回复 [url=]9#[/url] [i]tingroom[/i] [/b]
yeah,i like this kind song,with a little soft,with a little jazzy,and with a little indie I looked through the short article introduced the Feist,i was shocking for her struggling. [b]回复 [url=]11#[/url] [i]icefire[/i] [/b]
For others may be born with good family、with large fortune,but for really part of person ,for them,if they want to successed,if they want insist in their original dream,they must live in endless struggles...