[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20121222.mp3[/audio]Why do so many foreign students study in the United States? Peggy Blumenthal provides one reason. "The advantage America has is that we have a huge system and a very diverse system. So there are over four thousand universities and colleges in the United States, and what that tells us is there is still a lot of room to host international students." 为什么有这么多外国学生来美国学习呢?布罗曼索指出了一个原因."美国的优势在于拥有庞大多样化的教育体系,有超过4000所高校,报道表明我们仍有很大的接纳国际留学生的空间."
**** Hidden Message ***** 友情帮顶,呵呵。。。