2013.1.11 每日当三省吾身,每日三译之一
[p=30, 2, left]It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and that there's something in it.**** Hidden Message *****[/p] 杯子是半空还是半满都没关系。能有个杯子,而且里面还有东西就应该感到欣慰了。 如果杯子在未满的状态下真的一点都不要紧。你应该为杯子里还盛有东西而心存感激。 It doesn't really matter if your glass is half empty or half full. Be thankful that you have a glass and that there's something in it.不管你的杯子里是半满还是半空,都应该感谢你还有个杯子并且里面还有些东西 不必在意你的玻璃环是半空还是全空,你应该感恩你有个杯子,并且里面有些东西。