[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20130116.mp3[/audio]Congressional leaders and the Obama administration have begun budget negotiations. They are trying to avoid what is being called "the fiscal cliff," a combination of tax increases and budget cuts that many experts worry could harm the economy.国会领导人和奥巴马政府开始对预算进行协商,他们试图避免所谓的"财政悬崖",这是一种结合增税和削减开支的政策,许多专家担心这种做法会损害经济发展.
**** Hidden Message ***** However a group of reach an American has formed to try to influence those negotiations
more than 20 of them trouble to Washingtong recently to call all Americans raise tax on the wealthy Americans However, a group of rich Americans has formed to try to influence the negotiations.More than twenty of them travel to washington recently to call on law makers to raise taxes on the wellest of Americans.