英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-7-25 10:44



South Africa says former president Nelson Mandela remains in serious but stable condition at a Pretoria hospital. ____________________New York city mayor Micheal Bloomberg is proposing an almost $20 billion plan to protect New York city from storms and rising sea levels due to global warming. The plan includes a permanent 15-20-foot levee in part of Staten Island and a system of gates and levees in Brooklyn as well as upgrades in the city's power and telecommunications infrastructure. I'm Ray Kugler,VOA news, more at voanews.com.南非政府称前总统纳尔逊?曼德拉目前仍住院留医,他的病情虽然较为严重,但总体状况还算稳定。_____________________纽约市市长迈克尔?布隆伯格计划拨资约200亿美元,用于保护该市免受全球变暖所带来的风暴和海平面上升的威胁。该计划包括在斯塔顿岛部分地区建立一座永久的高约15至20英尺的堤坝,及在布鲁克林建立水闸与防洪堤系统,同时为该市电力和通讯基础设施升级。我是雷?库格勒,VOA新闻,更多新闻请浏览voanews.com。

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