英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-7-26 10:20



The White House has said it's in talks with the authorities in Hong Kong about extraditing Edward Snowden, the former intelligence analyst charged with leaking US secrets about government surveillance. The Hong Kong government has refused to comment on reports that the US has asked for his detention and return. Katy Watterson reports from Washington. _________________________________ A senior Obama administration official sounded a warning if authorities didn't act soon, it could complicate relations between Hong Kong and the U.S. and raise questions about Hong Kong's commitment to the rule of law. Authorities there has said very little so far refusing to confirm whether or not they received a request or to comment on reports that he may already be in that custody. The process to get Mr. Snowden back onto American soil may have started but it could be a lengthy process to appeals and legal obstacles before the task is complete. You are listening to the latest World News from the BBC. 白宫称正在与香港当局商讨引渡爱德华`斯诺登一事,这名前情报分析员被控泄露有关美国政府监督的机密.香港政府已拒绝对请求拘留斯诺登并将之送回美国一事发表评论.凯蒂`沃特森在华盛顿报道. ________________________________奥巴马政府一名高级官员警告说,如果香港当局不立即采取行动,将导致香港与美国的关系变得复杂,这同时也会引人质疑香港在 法律上的立场.香港当局对此三缄其口,拒绝承认是否收到这样的请求,也拒绝对斯诺登可能已被拘留的传闻作出评论.关于引渡斯诺登回美国本土的程序可能已经启 动,但上诉可能是个漫长的过程,还要面临很多法律障碍. 这里是BBC新闻报道.

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