[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20130730.mp3[/audio]________________________At a congressional hearing Wednesday, FBI chief Robert Mueller said the agency is deploying drones for other purposes. He described the domestic use of drones is very, very minimal, very seldom. US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says the bank may ease back on efforts to stimulate the economy later this year because the economy is growing moderately. Job gains along with the strengthening housing market have in turn contributed to increases in consumer confidence and supported household spending. But Mr.Bernanke says the jobless rate is still too high so the bank will continue stimulus efforts for the time being. __________________________FBI局长罗伯特?米勒在周三的国会听证会上表示,该局之所以部署无人机是另有目的.他还称实际上甚少在美国国内使用无人机. 美国联邦储备委员会主席本?伯南克表示,银行有可能在今年晚些时候放缓刺激经济的力度,原因是美国经济正在适度地有所增长. 就业增长以及房市的加强也反过来提高了消费者信心和家庭支出. 但伯南克表示,鉴于失业率依旧高企,目前银行仍会继续推行刺激经济的措施.
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