英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-8-13 09:46



____________________In southern Afghanistan, gunmen have shot dead the most senior female police officer serving in Helmand province. Lieutenant Islam Bibi was killed Thursday by unknown assailants while on her way to work. The 37-year-old mother of three was widely seen as an example of how opportunities for women have improved in Afghanistan since repressive Taliban regime was ousted in 2001. ____________________在南部阿富汗,持枪歹徒射杀了多名在赫尔曼德省服役的高级女警.伊斯兰`比比中尉周四上班途中被身份不明的攻击者杀害.自2001年塔利班政权垮台后,这位三个孩子的母亲,37岁的伊斯兰曾被广泛认为是阿富汗国内女性地位如何有机会提高的优秀榜样.

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