英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-8-29 10:18



A court in Libya has handed down a death sentence on a former minister in close aid of the deposed ruler Muammar Gaddafi for his role in repressing the uprising two years ago. Ahmed Ibrahim __________________________ Rana Jawad reports from Tripoli. Mr. Ibrahim has been held in a jail in Libya's third largest city Misrata since his detention after the war. Mr. Ibrahim is a distant relative of Colonel Gaddafi and served as minister of education and information in the 1980s. Libyans infamously know him as the man who banned the English language from school curriculum for a decade.A court in Libya has handed down a death sentence on a former minister in close aid of the deposed ruler Muammar Gaddafi for his role in repressing the uprising two years ago. 利比亚一法院宣布对一名前部长执行死刑,罪名是他在两年前为已被罢黜的统治者穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲镇压起义活动提供支援帮助.艾哈迈德?易卜拉欣______________________拉纳?贾瓦德在的黎波里报道. 自从易卜拉欣在战后被拘捕后,他一直被关押在利比亚第三大城市米苏拉塔的一间监狱.易卜拉欣是卡扎菲上校的一位远房亲戚,他在上世纪80年代同时担任教育部长以及信息部长两职.利比亚人民深知易卜拉欣就是禁止学校进行英语教学长达十年的始作俑者.

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