英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-9-2 09:45



_____________________________Mercer says Moscow is the second most expensive city for expatriates ,followed by Tokyo, which topped the list last year. Rescuers in the earthquake-hit area of northwest China continued to search through the rubble of collapsed buildings as the death toll climbed to 94. Soldiers and other rescue personnel are digging through houses buried by landslides in the province of Gansu where the quake struck early Monday. ____________________________美世称,莫斯科对于外籍人士而言是生活成本第二高的城市,紧随东京的排名,去年东京也是此列表中名列前茅的城市. 救援者们依然在中国西北部地震灾区坍塌的建筑废墟中搜寻救援,目前死亡人数已攀升到94人.士兵与其他救援人员仍在挖掘那些周一早晨因甘肃发生地震导致山体滑坡而被掩埋的房屋.

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