[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20130929.mp3[/audio]Egypt's military confirmed its air force helicopters have been carrying out strikes close to the Israeli border, the attacks raided the Islamist militants ,they follow claims by an Islamist militant group that an Israeli drone strike Friday killed at least four of its fighters. Israel says it will build 1200 new homes in occupied territory. 800 new homes will be built in Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem and 400 in the West Bank. ____________________________埃及军方确认其空军直升机在接近以色列边境地区发动空袭,这些袭击打击了伊斯兰武装分子,其原因在于,一个伊斯兰武装组织宣称,周五一架以色列无人机空袭导致至少四名伊斯兰士兵遇害.以色列称,其将会在已占领区域再建立1200所房屋.其中800所房屋将建在耶路撒冷东部的犹太人聚居区,另有400所建在约旦河西岸.___________________________
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