英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-10-29 10:07



___________________________Authorities are telling stranded residents to evacuate canyon communities, where streets have turned into raging rivers and floods. At least four people have been killed since the rains began last Wednesday, the fifth person is missing and presumed dead, the death tolls are expected to rise. And Mexican authorities have evacuated thousands of people in Veracruz State along the gulf coast ahead of Hurricane Ingrid expected to make landfall Monday. I'm Ray Kouguell VOA news, more on the Internet at voanews.com. ___________________________峡谷内社区的街道已经被洪水变成了湍急的河流,官员劝说滞留居民尽快撤离.该地区自上周三遭暴雨袭击以来,已有至少4人死亡,1人失踪假定死亡.预计死亡人数还会继续增长. 为应对预计于周一登陆的飓风英格丽德,墨西哥政府已经疏散了海湾地区维拉科鲁兹州的数千名民众.以上是由雷?库格为你播报的VOA新闻,有关更多新闻,欢迎访问voanews.com.

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