You are my sunshine
[size=3] It's the first time I come into this site to share my love[/size][size=3][/size]
[size=3] I live near the mountain it gives me some sense of openness and freedom ,but I don't think I will ever feel truly settled here-or anywhere else,though I'm only a girl of 20,my dream is to travel,and no to rove ie more accurate I think,I love the feeling when you only have yourself in a completely strange environment,but I hate them saying oh no dear you are only a child[/size]
[size=3] It's time to go to school,mybe I'll be here next time .See you[/size]
[size=3] [/size] your dream makes you quite special and you will realize your dream some day.[b] [url=]1#[/url] [i]恋恋sunshine[/i] [/b] see you