英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-11-5 10:42



The Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he’s reviewing his country’s financial support for the Commonwealth because of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. He said the government there had yet to investigate allegations of atrocities in its war against Tamil Tiger rebels. Lee Carter reports from Toronto. Stephen Harper had a long list of reasons why he remains disturbed by the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. __________________________________ Sri Lanka’s envoy to Canada immediately disputed Mr Harper’s comments, but they are bound to win approval within Canada’s large community of Sri Lankan Tamils, many of whom fled conflict and turmoil back home. 加拿大总理哈珀称鉴于斯里兰卡的践踏人权事件,他会重新评估加拿大对英联邦国家的财政支持.他说斯里兰卡政府尚未对其同叛军泰米尔猛虎组织作战中犯下的暴行指控进行调查.卡特`李从多伦多发回报道. 斯蒂芬?哈珀有一长串的理由解释他为什么担忧斯里兰卡的人权状况:______________________________________斯里兰卡驻加拿大特使立即对哈珀的讲话做了争辩,但此番言论一定能在加拿大一个大型斯里兰卡泰米尔人社区赢得赞同,他们中的许多人因躲避战乱和动荡而逃离家园.

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雨落风残 发表于 2013-11-23 13:49

Stephen Harper has a long list of reasons why he remains disturbed by the human rights situations in Sri Lanka. They include reported jailings, intimidations of political leaders and journalists, harassment of minorities and reported disapperances.

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