英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-11-7 09:36



A federal court in the American state of Missouri has jailed a businessman for 14 years for supplying funds to al-Qaeda. Khalid Ouazzani,_____________________________________ In a plea bargain, he explained how he borrowed money for his business interest, but sent it to Dubai where he bought and sold an apartment giving the profits to al-Qaeda alongside other funds. 美国密苏里州联邦法院判处一名向基地组织提供资金的商人入狱14年.哈立德?瓦扎尼,____________________________在辩诉中,他解释了如何为自己的商业利益筹钱并把钱转到迪拜,在那里倒卖了一套公寓,并将利润和其他资金提供给基地组织.

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雨落风残 发表于 2013-11-23 08:18

who'd pleaded guilty three years ao, had faced up to 65 years in prison for bank fraud, money laudering and conspiracy to support terrorist groups.

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