英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2013-11-25 09:54



"Pork butt, for example, does not come from the part of the animal most people think. It doesn't come from the butt which is flying for the rear end, it comes from the shoulder. And instead of naming it "pork shoulder" which would be really logical, they now call it "Boston roast", so they went from confusing to meaningless."他说,"以Pork butt(猪前腿肉)为例,它并不是来自大多数人认为的部位.它不是来自猪臀部,而是来自猪前腿.(变更后的标签)不是照逻辑将其命名为pork shoulder(猪前腿肉),而是称它为Boston roast.这种变更从原来的混淆变成了现在的不知所谓."

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