[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/cet6/cet620131203.mp3[/audio]Before we start our tour today of the Montana State Assembly, let's review how a bill is introduced into the State Assembly.
As you may know, only members of the Assembly may introduce a bill, that is, (1)_________________________________. But before the bill can be presented, somebody must have authored it. Writing a bill for introduction to the Assembly is also known as drafting a bill.
(2)________________________________________to make the meaning of the bill absolutely clear. A very difficult, but very specific way of writing must be used, because if the bill becomes a law, it will often be challenged in the courts. (3)____________________________, then the meaning of the bill can become distorted.
**** Hidden Message ***** present to the other members of this assembly for conservation.
drafting a bill consists of using a specifically legal language necessary
if the writing of the original is unclear present to the other number of these Assembly for conservation present to the other members of present to the other members of this assembly for consideration.
drafting a bill consists of using a specifically legal language necessary
if the writing of the original is unclear