[audio][/audio]One of the major sticking points in any peace talks is President Assad. Some opposition leaders say he must step down at some point in the political transition. Others insist he must go before talks can even start. But the president's advisor Doctor Bouthaina Shaaban was clear this issue was not on the table. ________________________________ Doctor Shaaban was also scathing about the opposition describing rebel groups as creations of powerful backers like Saudi Arabia. 所有和平会谈的主要症结都来自阿萨德总统,一些反对派表示,他必须在政治转型期的某一时间点下台,而其他反对派甚至坚持他必须在和谈开始前就离任.但是总统顾问布赛娜`沙班博士明确指出,总统离任一事并不在谈判事项之中._____________________________沙班博士同时严厉指责反对派,将叛军组织描述为像沙特阿拉伯这样的强大支持者的产物.
**** Hidden Message ***** Interior interviews emphasize the president's role would be decided by the Syrian people at the ballot box in elections or in the referendum.