[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voab/voab20131207.mp3[/audio]________________________The Reuters News Agency reported that one protester died of a gunshot wound in central Cairo after marchers clashed with Egyptian security forces despite a weeks-long security crackdown and hundreds of arrests of Muslim Brotherhood backers of ex-President Mohammed Morsi. Demonstrators Friday seemed determined to take to the streets in Cairo and several Egyptian cities._____________________路透社报道称,尽管有长达一周的安保镇压,并逮捕了数百名支持前总统穆罕默德?莫尔西的穆斯林兄弟会成员,当游行队伍与埃及安全部队发生冲突之后,在开罗市中心,还是有一名示威者死于枪伤.周五,示威者似乎决定要在开罗及其它几个埃及城市上街游行.
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