[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/cet6/cet620131210.mp3[/audio]Aphasias suffered after puberty, on the other hand, are rarely recovered from completely, and among those occurring after age eighteen, recovery is the exception rather than the rule, (1)___________________________. When Krashen (1973) reexamined the data on speech loss and recovery after unilateral brain damage, plus that available from psychological and dicrotic listening tests, (2)_________________________, the shifting of most linguistic knowledge to the left hemisphere (in most right-handed people), is completed far earlier than puberty, probably by age five in most cases.
Further, (3)_________________________________ to the minor one when the former suffers damage also seems to disappear after five, although the idea that it may continue until puberty in some cases is a possibility, too, on the basis on the evidence available.
**** Hidden Message ***** partial or total language loss usually being permanent
he found that the process of language lateralization
the ability to transfer language function from the language dominant* partial or total language loss usually being permanent
she found the process of language lateralization
THe ability to transer language function from language dominant hemisphere partial or total language usually being prominent