2013.12.30 每日当三省吾身,每日三译之二
We have so many needs in our life, but ultimately, all we need is to be needed.**** Hidden Message ***** 生活中我们有很多需要,但是最终我们所需要的是被需要 we have so many needs in our life,but ultimately ,all we need is to be needed.生活中有许多需求,但是最终,所有的需求都是必需的。 We have so many needs in our life, but ultimately, all we need is to be needed.
在我们的生活中有许多我们所需要的,但最终,所有我们需要的都是我们必要的。 We have so many needs in our life, but ultimately, all we need is to be needed.
我们在生活中有很多需要,但是最终,所有需要都是必须的 人生中有许多需求,但最终,所有的需求不是真正的需要。