英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-1-26 10:33



BBC News with John Jason. __________________________________________ Riek Machar who is the former deputy president told the BBC that any ceasefire needed to be credible. From Nairobi, James Copnall reports. Machar told the BBC that it would be impossible to stop fighting unless a proper verification mechanism was established. He also said he was waiting to see if all his detained political allies would be released. It was reported that the government would release some, but not all of the prisoners. At its Nairobi summit, IGAD also suggested that Machar's rebellion would not be recognized even if he managed to overthrow President Salva Kiir. This echoed the position taken by Barack Obama last week. This is bad news for Machar. IGAD is now insisting that direct talks between the president and his rival must begin by the end of the year. For the moment though, the fighting continues. 约翰`杰森报道的BBC新闻 ________________________________________________前副总统里克`马察尔对BBC表示,任何停火协议都需具有可靠性.詹姆斯`卡普诺报道. 马察尔对BBC表示,如若没有一个可靠的验证机制,停战几乎是不可能的,同时,他一直在观望政府是否能将他遭拘禁的政治盟友释放.虽有报道称政府已经释放了其盟友中的一部分,但并不是所有成员.在内罗毕峰会上,东非政府发展管理机构(IGAD)指出,即使马察尔推翻了总统沙瓦`基尔,他的组织也不会得到承认.这一立场同时也是奥巴马上周认可的.这一消息对马察尔相当不利.东非政府发展管理机构坚持要求南苏丹总统与其对手在年底前展开和谈.到目前为止,战火一直没有平息.

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