[audio]http://sound.yywz123.com/tingbbs/voa/voa20140128.mp3[/audio]"This idea that, sort of, Western companies that are tax efficient are exploiting these places rather than bringing inward investment to them, I think, is a rather neo-imperialist old style way of looking at the world.We want more of that inward investment. That creates jobs and creates growth in some of the poorest countries in the world."他说,"这种观点有点像是说,节税的西方公司开拓这些地方不是给它们带去外来投资.我认为它是一种新帝国主义做派来着眼全球.我们希望更多的外来投资,这可以在世界上一些最贫穷的国家创造就业机会和提升增长."
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