[audio][/audio]BBC News with Charles Carroll. The head of a United Nations panel has said that the crimes against humanity as it uncovered in North Korea are strikingly similar to the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the WII. ______________________________________________ Its chairman, Michael Kirby said they had identified hundreds of North Korean officials including the supreme leader Kim Jong-Un who should face international justice. 查尔斯`卡罗播报的BBC新闻联合国专家小组负责人表示,朝鲜被揭露出的反人类罪行与二战期间纳粹实行的暴行惊人相似._______________________________________委员会主席迈克尔`卡比说,他们认为数百名北朝鲜官员及最高领导人金正恩都应受到国际司法制裁.
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