[audio][/audio]BBC News with David Austin. Ukraine's acting President Oleksander Turchynov has accused Russia of provocation in Ukrainian Republic of Crimea. In a televised address in Kiev, he said Russia was behaving as it did before it sent troops into Georgia in 2008. Mr. Turchynov warned of serious consequences if the Russians didn't pull back. The entire civilized world supports Ukraine. The national security and defence council has devised a plan to normalize the situation on the Crimean peninsula. We demand that the act of provocation be stopped. ____________________________________________________ Ukraine will defend its independence and any annexation attempts or invasion will have very grave consequences. 戴维.奥斯丁报道BBC新闻. 乌克兰代总统图尔奇诺夫指控俄方在克里米亚的军事挑衅行为.在基辅发表的电视讲话中,图尔奇诺夫称,俄国的表现与其2008年派军队前往格鲁吉亚如出一辙.图尔奇诺夫警告称,如若俄方不退兵,后果将非常严重. 乌克兰拥有整个文明世界的支持.为此,国家安全和国防委员会已制定出方案,以使克里米亚半岛政治局势恢复正常.我们强烈要求俄方停止挑衅行为,使地区局势平息下来. ___________________________________________任何吞并或侵犯的企图都将招致严重后果.
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