[audio][/audio]Mr. Kerry warned that if the vote went ahead, there will be sanctions. The two men agreed to stay in touch. But the BBC diplomatic correspondent says the tone of their meeting suggests the crisis is deepening, raising tension to levels not seen since end of the Cold War. The governor of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk says __________________________________ He dismissed as a distortion of Russian government's statement blaming the clashes on Ukraine. From Donetsk, here is Steve Rosenberg. 克里警告称,如果投票如期举行,美国将采取制裁措施.虽然克里和拉夫罗夫均同意保持联系,但BBC外交新闻记者透露,双方会面的基调表明危机正进一步加剧,美俄间紧张关系升级至冷战结束以来的最高水平. 乌克兰东部的顿涅茨克州州长表示,________________________________________该州长称,俄罗斯政府故意扭曲事实,将冲突归咎于乌克兰.史蒂夫?罗森伯格,顿涅茨克报道.
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Russians XXX violence that broke out between rival demonstrators on Thursday, leaving one man dead.