[audio][/audio]The NATO Supreme Military Commander has warned that the Russian military presence along the eastern Ukrainian border poses a threat to both sides of the country. Speaking in Brussels, General Philip Breedlove said the Russian buildup was big enough to threaten not just eastern Ukrainian but also a Moldova's breakaway region of Transnistria. "The force that is at Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizable and very, very ready. We need to think about the positioning of our forces such that we can defend against it if required, especially in the Baltics." In a BBC's interview, Ukraine's acting Deputy Defence Minister said that ______________________________________ He said such international efforts would help preclude a fully-fledged war with Russia. 北约最高军事指挥官警告说,驻扎在乌克兰东部边境的俄罗斯军队是对两国安全的威胁.菲利普?布里德洛夫将军在布鲁塞尔表示,俄罗斯增加的兵力不仅足以威胁到乌克兰东部,也对摩尔多瓦分离地区德涅斯特河沿岸构成威胁."目前乌克兰东部边境的驻军规模非常庞大,并且严阵以待,虎视眈眈.我们需要考虑是否应部署军队,可以在必要时进行防卫,尤其是在波罗的海地区."乌克兰临时国防部长在接受BBC采访时表示,_________________________________他表示这样的国际努力能避免与俄罗斯全面开战.
**** Hidden Message ***** Ukrain hoped the western surpport would extend to joint military exercises and safeguarding nulear power stations.