英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-5-19 10:03



We humans have found countless mysteries of the universe with which to occupy our minds over the centuries.We not only ask questions about what something is but we also want to know why it is.(1) _______________________________.
Both the sky with its heavenly bodies and seemingly never-ending vastness
and the seas with their great depths and power were,and still are, capable of filling people with feelings of fear and wonder.As ancient humans looked at the sky above them,one sight that intrigued them most was the Milky Way.
They, of course, didn’t know that the strange, broad,luminous band of light across the sky is in reality composed of countless stars and planets located so far from the Earth that they cannot been seen individually by the naked eyes.To the ancient Chinese it appeared as a luminous river,which they referred to as the River of Heaven or the Silver Stream.(2) ____________________________________.It is no wonder that for those individuals who believe in UFOs,it seems a likely place from which they could have arisen.After all, we know so little about heavenly bodies.(3) ____________________________________.We hear of tidal waves that crash onto land,destroying everything in their path;we read accounts of lost ships over the centuries.Now, in the 21st century as we fly across the Pacific,we can’t help but feel a bit lonely and concerned as we think of that vast body of water below us.

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susan.sui 发表于 2014-5-19 11:26

Ancient people invented elaborate mythlogical explanations to account for the mysterious things they saw
because it's so remote from us
the power of the ocean is awesome

伊梦青依 发表于 2014-5-19 17:36

ancient people invented a labory mislogical explanations to account for the mysterious things they saw

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