英语听力论坛's Archiver

Rebecca949 发表于 2014-5-20 09:25



Four French journalists who were kidnapped in Syria by Islamist militants last June have been freed. They were found blindfolded and with their hands bound by Turkish soldiers on the border with Syria. One of the four, Didier Francois, said it was very nice to see the sky again after long months in captivity. The brother of hostage Nicolas Henin Sheron told the BBC they'd not suffered physical ill treatment. __________________________________But you know, despite that, I think the moment of the release seems to overcome all of these and finally there is enough resilience that it seems to like again go back to normal hopefully." 四名去年六月在叙利亚遭伊斯兰武装分子绑架的法国记者被释放.土耳其士兵在徐土边境发现他们时,他们的双眼被蒙、双手被绑着.四名记者中的一员迪迪尔`弗兰柯瑞斯称,在被囚禁长达数个月后,能重见天日深感欣慰.另一位遭绑架记者的兄弟尼古拉斯`海宁`莎隆告诉BBC,他们没有遭到身体上的虐待. ______________________________________尽管如此,我觉得被释放的那一刻似乎是战胜了种种苦难,苦尽甘来.最终,我们足够坚强能再次怀抱希望."

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